As a leading international exchange group, we at London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG), appreciate our responsibility for setting an example in ethical business practice. In response to the UK Bribery Act (which entered into force on 1 July 2011), we have made every effort to review our practices, identify potential risks, and raise awareness of the Act amongst our employees and stakeholders in Italy, Sri Lanka and the UK.
The LSEG Anti Corruption Policy makes clear the specific responsibilities of all of our employees and business partners and we require all our employees, partners, agents, suppliers and customers to comply with the new regulation.
Involvement in the activities covered by the Bribery Act by any of our suppliers, customers, partners and agents can lead to termination of all the relevant agreements and relationships with our Group.
In light of the increased and broadly defined offences described in the UK Bribery Act, the LSEG has made a concerted effort to raise employees’, suppliers’, customers’, partners’ awareness of the continued responsibilities to comply with the new broader regulation.
LSEG has a zero tolerance policy regarding bribery that is fully backed throughout the business and by the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee.
We remain committed to ensuring that all of our operations continue to comply with the UK Bribery Act and that our policy implementation procedures are constantly monitored and updated.